
    The Meihua group passed the accreditation of CNAS, provincial engineering technology center and postdoctoral innovation base in 2014.


    In 2014 under the direction of the group companies and encourage, research and development company in foreign support platform construction made remarkable honors: in April, the group analysis and test center officially by China's conformity assessment accreditation council for national laboratory accreditation, it marks the inspection report issued by Our company will be able to get more recognition of countries and regions; in October, the research and development company formally passed the acceptance of amino acids in hebei province engineering technology center, has become the first enterprise dedicated to the research and development of amino acids in hebei province technology center; in November, checked and accepted by the postdoctoral innovation practice base in hebei province development company, the state-level post-doctoral mobile stations for subsequent application laid a more solid foundation.

    I passed CNAS recognition research and development company, marked the our company will has the products such as monosodium glutamate, flavor nucleotide disodium 21 project inspection report issued by rights, future report issued by Our company will be able to recognized by many countries and area.

    Amino acids in Hebei province engineering technology research center of successful acceptance indicates the Meihua group(1) By the department, provincial departments in HeBei province, the provincial development and reform commission will issue "amino acids in HeBei province engineering technology research center" plaque, included in the provincial management;(2)Provincial department of dynamic management of engineering technology center, honors to evaluate excellent engineering technology center, and increase investment to improve its engineering test conditions, the evaluation of qualified order above, give equipment upgrading grants;(3) Provincial funding equipment upgrading subsidies is mainly used for the development of the instruments and equipment, updating and transformation, departments and a supporting institution shall, in accordance with the proportion of 1:1 and 1:2 matching funds;(4) Lang fang city government for the new recognition of the provincial engineering technology research center, one-time funding of 200,000 yuan.

    Postdoctoral the success of the innovation practice base in Hebei province acceptance marked the LangFang Meihua biological technology development co., LTD (1) By the province human resources and social security hall, postdoctoral work management committee awarded "postdoctoral innovation practice base" plaque, included in the provincial innovative talents platform;(2) To apply for the provincial postdoctoral work special funds, recruit postdoctoral researcher;(3) Through cooperation with postdoctoral scientific research station unit, joint recruit, training postdoctoral researcher, rights and obligations of both parties and the rights and obligations of post-doctoral researchers through the method of agreement, signed agreement, and is given priority to with rover postdoctoral in and out of the station formalities, age can be up to 42 years old.(4) Recruiting postdoctoral researcher, may apply for the provincial postdoctoral scientific research project funds;(5) Give priority to declare post-doctoral scientific research workstation.

    CNAS recognition of pass, amino acid in HeBei province engineering technology research center and postdoctoral innovation practice base in HeBei province successful acceptance, use practice proves that the company's strategy of "science and technology enterprise, talent (hereafter" correctly, with the aim of the company always attaches great importance to the scientific and technological personnel work closely related. The Meihua group research and development strength, after many years of development, has made the state department approval, the Meihua group has a higher level of professional and technical personnel and good conditions of research and development, professional division is more sophisticated, around the core products, laboratory set up multiple amino acids, hire domestic relevant professional talents as a project leader, strains in quality, amino acid conversion rate and so on have made a breakthrough in scientific research strength in the leading position in the industry and become the industry model of benchmarking, Meihua is the future group continue to the field of high-tech biological fermentation core power.

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